Category: Travelogue
Travels with my camera…Tenby
“Be grateful for the things and people you have in your life. Things you take for granted someone else is praying for” Marlan Rico Lee When you live on an island you crave the openness of the plain. When you live in-land you crave the sea. Does it therefore mean if you live in paradise…
Travels with my Camera…Flamenco Por Favor?
Every country & culture has one, every tourist destination promotes it, & if its your culture, then you probably cringe at the prospect. I talking about that institutionalised cultural must – folk-dancing. I always used to think dansio-y-werein (folk dancing) promoted the stereo type of how Welsh people lived – well – how certain neighbours…
Travels with my Camera…Andalusia
As child I never quite saw the benefit or enjoyment in a long slow car journey to some sparsely populated beauty spot in order to see ‘the view’ as my parents would say. I was only interested in three things, where can I play, what’s in the picnic basket, & what time are we going…